If you’re a manager, for example, your direct reports may not feel comfortable connecting with you on social media. And some people intentionally keep their networks on social platforms small—or separate from their professional life. A healthy social biome is one with variety — among the types of people we talk to and the kinds of conversations we have — as well as alone time.

  • These are many of the same tenets that are essential for in-person friendships, too.
  • And so, what you think was this unplanned, spontaneous interaction at the water cooler was actually just that you ran into somebody who had a different perspective than yours.
  • You don’t need to be a sports fanatic to get some exercise and meet new people at sporting events.

Not only did that feel like an ego-boost, it also helped make meeting virtually a lot more pleasant because I was engaged. Spending that extra few minutes lingering in the Zoom room paid off so well that I plan to be the last person to leave every meeting I can. We explained how to make friends when you work from home quickly and effectively. You can maintain a work-life balance and foster a sense of community by participating in virtual events, joining online communities, and reaching out to how to make friends when you work from home colleagues through digital platforms. Consider enrolling in a language class, dance class, sports team, or photography or literature club. Participating in group activities and engaging in conversations can help you enrich your personal and professional life.

Real Life

As you discovered, several ways exist to address isolation when working from home. Remember, building a friendship requires time and effort, so be patient and persistent. Feel free to put yourself out there, start conversations, and participate actively in various activities. You can mentor students, participate in environmental clean-up efforts, organize virtual fundraisers and make connections based on shared goals and experiences. The camaraderie with fellow volunteers can blossom into lasting friendships. Since we live in a digital age, many volunteer initiatives and fundraising events have moved online.

Recent News

From early hunter-gatherer tribes to modern-day society, humans have relied on each other for survival. Even as we have evolved and now live in a world where we can survive independently, we still crave companionship and connection with others. Whether it’s simply talking to strangers at the local coffee shop or forming deep friendships, humans need interaction with other humans. We rely on our workplaces to meet people outside of our family circles.

  • Whatever you do, don’t let social distancing prevent you from meeting new people and making new friends.
  • If you weren’t sure how to make friends when you work from home, your baby or fur baby might be the answer you were looking for.
  • It can be difficult to make friends when you move to a new city, start a new job, or even if you’ve been working at the same company for years.
  • A former journalist by profession, she loves weaving stories and telling tales.

I would also join organizations and some were better than others. Pre-pandemic, talking on the phone felt like something we did way back when Facetime wasn’t a thing. It might be time to bring this retro fad back, because it cuts down on screen time but still allows you to connect with people in a more organic way. It may feel weird to randomly call a co-worker, but if you use a little planning, talking on the phone can be a great way to collaborate, debrief, or decompress. Whether you’re a super busy entrepreneur or feel shy and introverted, social connections and community are crucial to your well-being.

There are plentiful opportunities to connect with other people and make new friends. However, it is vital to understand your own needs, such as your interests, responsibilities at home, and values, before you engage in friend-making. If in-person meetups are not possible, you can have online coffee meetups and related events to boost your relationship with colleagues. Similarly, physical space matters in shared work environments. Be conscious of noise levels, personal belongings, and common areas to avoid unintentionally crossing boundaries.

Being the world’s biggest social networking app brings big opportunities to make friends. With 2.9 billion active users, and its super helpful Groups feature, just a quick search and you’ll find a Facebook group for virtually anything (if there isn’t, you can always create your own)! When I travel to the office, I actually end up not getting as much work done as I do at home because I’m focusing so much on doing some serious relationship building.

Why You Should Visit Your Local Coffee Shop

You don’t need to wade into potentially thorny territory — nor do you offer space to someone with harmful opinions — but exposure to other’s lives and beliefs can expand your worldview. One study published in 2022 found that the greater diversity of people with whom participants interacted — including strangers, acquaintances, close friends, and family — the greater their well-being. Get our best explainers on everything from money to entertainment to what everyone is talking about online. Get more of SELF’s great friendship advice delivered right to your inbox—for free. Meet our team, then connect with us to see how our workplace innovations will work for you. If you’d like to improve your new employee onboarding program or help employees develop a better sense of camaraderie and collaboration, we can help.

What they show is, as long as you’re colocated with people at least half the week, there is no cost to your co-worker relationships to working from anywhere the other half of the week. Working from home can be a great way to get things done without the distractions of a traditional office, but it can also be a bit isolating. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make friends when you work from home. (You are reading this article, after all!) But taking the time to explicitly express your appreciation, even in subtle ways, can reassure them of how strong your connection is. Just as important as reviving familiar routines is introducing some novelty too.

Here are some steps you can take to build workplace friendships and reap their considerable rewards. Experiences like Howe’s appear to be increasing among older workers. According to an AARP survey conducted in May, 36 percent of remote workers 50 and older said being isolated from coworkers is difficult.

Overall, we know that building those coworker relationships is really important to your wellbeing at work. Sometimes it takes some creativity and effort to get to know your remote friends. Connecting when not every worker is in the office can be a challenge.

Real Solutions for Building More Inclusive Organizations

This could involve setting up a virtual coffee date or happy hour or simply talking more in a Slack channel. Another way to make friends is to get involved in remote work events or happy hours. Many companies are now hosting these kinds of events to help their remote workers stay connected. This is a great way to meet new people and socialize, even if you can’t do it in person.

Exploring local meetup groups

However, if you are one of many employees who feel lonely when working from home, you are not alone. Luckily, there are multiple ways to build genuine friendships when working, even when you only commute to the coffee machine. At Afni, we understand how vital it is to find a community that shares your passions.

“By finding additional ways to grow together, your friendship will continue to thrive—and feel less like a stale, outdated version of something you once had,” Dr. Kirmayer says. It might be worthwhile to take advantage of that if you need a change of scenery or to be around others. Head over there and sip on your favorite beverage while you work. Now, I’m not talking about an elevator pitch or a static way to answer the question, “So, what do you do?